Glossary of Terms - Alphabetical Index
a (ClE Starlab)Refers to the system used to describe and measure color. a indicates redness, a positive value, and greenness, a negative value.
Abrasion ResistanceThe ability of a paper product to withstand abrasion. The degree and rate a sample loses weight under specific rubbing action by an abrading surface measures resistance.
Abrasive PapersPapers covered on one or two sides with abrasive powder.
AbsorbencyProperty of pulp, paper or board to retain materials it contacts such as liquid, gas and solid substances.
Absorbent PapersExamples include duplicator, blotting, filter papers, drying royal, matrix paper and toweling.
Accepted StockPart of stock that is not rejected by cleaning and/or screening.
AcrylicA water-soluble polymer used in paints to make them dry to a tough and flexible consistency.
AdditiveA mineral, chemical or dye added to pulp and coatings to give it special qualities such as opacity.
Against the GrainFolding or feeding paper at right angles to the grain direction of the paper.
AgingThe deterioration of paper properties over time. Sunlight and heat accelerate loss of strength and brightness.
Air DryTerm applied to any pulp and paper sample that has a moisture content in equilibrium with the surrounding atmospheric conditions. Air-dry pulps are assumed to contain 10% moisture.
Album PaperWood pulp paper with an antique finish used for photo album pages.
AlumA papermaking chemical used for precipitating rosin size onto pulp fibers to impart water-resistant properties to the paper. It is also called aluminum sulfate.
AntiquarianThe largest available handmade paper (53 x 31 inches).
AntiqueA printing paper with a rough finish but good printing surface. It is valued in book printing for its high volume characteristics.
Antitarnish PaperA term originally applied to higher-weight tissues used for wrapping silverware, but now used for all papers prepared so they will not rust or discolor razor blades, needles, silverware, etc.
Apparent DensityWeight (mass) per unit volume of a sheet of paper obtained by dividing the basis weight by the caliper (thickness).
Archival PaperA paper that can last normally 100 years. The paper is acid free, lignin free and has good color retention.
Avg. BrightnessThe percentage of reflectivity of a sheet of pulp or paper for blue light measured under specific standard conditions. Not necessarily related to color or whiteness.
AzureThe light blue color used in the nomenclature of laid and wove papers.
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