The names of the authors should be typed below the title of the paper. The name of the main / corresponding author should be underlined.
The information of the authors - contact address, designation, their e-mail addresses and phone numbers should be attached at the end of the manuscript (after the references and Acknowledgement). Request for submission of the photos of each of the authors will be sent by INPAPER INTERNATIONAL after acceptance of the paper for publication. Photos should be high resolution and should be in TIF or JPEG format only.
The manuscript should report the original work done by the authors, with submission of the references of the work done elsewhere for indepth understanding of the topic. Therefore, literature references are necessary for all peer-reviewed papers.
The references should be cited within a [bracketed] numerical citation in the text of the paper. The references should be presented in a proper numerical sequence, not alphabetically by author’s name.
References should be written in the References section of the manuscript as below.
For articles published in journals
author(s) name (last name first with both initials; no spaces between initials), journal name (in italics), volume number, (issue number), page number (initial), and (year). For journal abbreviations, please refer CASSI.
Example: Deshpande, P.K., Chem. Eng. 36(5):43(1990).
For Conference Proceedings –
author(s) name (last name first with both initials; no spaces between initials), conference name (abbreviate if available), publisher of proceedings, publisher’s headquarters city, year, and initial page number. If page number is not available, please insert paper’s title after the author(s) name.
Example : Kulkarni, A.G., Paperex Conf., Polychem Offset, Delhi, India, 1997, p. 35.
For Books–
author(s) name (last name first with both initials; no spaces between initials), title of the book, name of Publisher, publisher’s headquarters city, (year).
Example : Book - Coles, R., McDowell, B. and Kirwan, M.J. (Eds) ̶ Food Packaging Technology. Blackwell Publishing, CRC Press, Oxford (2003)
Book Chapters:
author(s) name (last name first with both initials; no spaces between initials), Title of the chapter, Editors (s) name, Title of the book, name of Publisher, publisher’s headquarters city / country page initial, (year).
Example: Book Chapter- Padanyi, Z.V. – Physical aging and glass transition: effects on the mechanical properties of paper and board, In Baker C.F. (Ed.) Products of Papermaking, Pira, UK, p51 (1993).
Master’s Thesis or Ph.D. dissertation
author(s) name (last name first with both initials; no spaces between initials), Title of the thesis, Ph.D / M.Tech/ M.Sc dissertation, name of the university, city, country, page initial, (year).
Example: Johnsen, I., The impact of dissolved hemicellulose on adsorption of wood resin to TMP fines, Ph.D dissertation, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Trondheim, Norway, p. 53. (2007).
author(s) name (last name first with both initials; no spaces between initials), Title of the website, web address, date of accession and year. .
Example: Li, L. (2014), Chinese scroll painting H533, Australian Museum, Accessed 20 February 2016.
World Health Organisation (2013), Financial crisis and global health, The United Nations, Accessed 1 August 2013
author(s) name (last name first with both initials; no spaces between initials), Title of the patent, country, patent number, (year).
Example: Giezen, F. E., Jongboom, R. O. J., Feil, H., Gotlieb, K. F. and Boersma, A., Biopolymer Nanoparticles, US Pat. 6,677,386, (2004).
Note: Please do not include the Standard Test Methods in the References. Write the number and full name of the Test Method in the text itself.
Units of measure
Please use SI units only. The other units may be quoted in case these are customary or necessary to in the context of the subject. It would be appreciated if the conversion of these customary or conventional other units is provided in SI units within parentheses for the understanding of the readers.